Hi, I’m Dana Haynes
I am a certified Apple consultant and one of those guys who can kinda listen to your computer and tell you what’s wrong with it. Visit www.MachelpGlobal.com for the full details on that. I have been doing Macintosh support for nearly twenty years so I’m pretty seasoned.
While I can help you with your Mac or iThingy, my favorite thing is teaching folks how to use this cool technology in new, powerful and creative ways. I do this in a down to earth, comfortable style.
The video lessons you’ll find here at Accularian were originally developed for my Mom. She had a Mac and wanted to learn how to do email, scanning, web stuff but wanted it in step-by-step bite sized pieces. That’s how I teach. As I introduce new topics or show you how to do something on your computer, I work hard to give it some context. I don’t just show you how to cut, copy and paste… I tell you why you will want to use it and then actually demonstrate a practical example.
There are a bunch of free lessons here at Accularian. Click the link above that says, “Lessons.” Spend some time with me. Check out the full site and let me know what you think.
If you would like a bit more detail about Accularian and how I got to where I am now, read the “About the Accularian” page.

There are a bunch of ways to contact me, click here for more info.